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Harnessing the Power of Your Unique Selling Proposition in Bids

As a bid management consultant, I often encounter organisations struggling to differentiate themselves in their bids. This is particularly true of organisations who don’t bid on a regular basis – which is the case for many NHS providers.

In the competitive world of tenders and proposals, distinguishing your organisation from the competition is vital. And, while the Provider Selection Regime may reduce the need for competition, where deployed it will still require organisation’s to articulate why they are the ‘best-in-class’ provider and worth retaining.

Unique Selling Propositions (USP)
Your USP is what makes your organisation stand out from the crowd. It’s the unique value you bring to the table that sets you apart from your competitors. A USP could be a specific service or product feature, superior service and quality, innovative technology, or the depth and quality of your partnerships and pathways.

Why is a USP Important in Bid Writing?
In bid writing (or any selection process), your USP should be at the forefront of your proposal. It can influence the decision-making process, convincing evaluators that your offer brings unique benefits they can’t get elsewhere.

How to Harness Your USP in Bids

  • Identify Your USP: The first step is to identify your USP clearly. Consider what makes your organisation or service unique and why customers choose you over competitors.
  • Articulate Your USP: Once you’ve identified your USP, articulate it clearly in your bid. Make sure it aligns with the needs and goals of the evaluator.
  • Provide Evidence: Back up your USP with concrete evidence. This could be testimonials, case studies, or data that prove your USP’s effectiveness.
  • Highlight Your USP: Make your USP prominent in your bid. It should be one of the first things evaluators see when they read your proposal. It should be the golden thread that connects all elements of what you do.

Your USP is a powerful tool that can set you apart in bid writing. By identifying, articulating, highlighting, and providing evidence for it, you can harness its power to create compelling bids that win contracts.

Struggling to identify and describe your USP? Get in touch!

Our Bid Strategy service can help you to identify and articulate your USP, as well as highlighting your strengths and mitigating your weaknesses. We can also help you identify and emphasise key win themes, develop a high-level vision and service offer, and tailor your bid strategy to maximise your chances of success. To discuss developing your bid strategy, contact us using the form below.